Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Eve Menu (edited)

We will be hosting a New Year's Eve dinner for four.


deleted: Crash Hot Potatoes (too heavy, especially with the Mac and Cheese)

Any suggestions for additions or deletions?


  1. **Additions = some sort of cake or cookie, in addition to the chocolate??

  2. Sounds great! Maybe an addition of a cooked vegetable?

  3. It actually sounds really great! Becuase it's only for four, you have more than enough. I wouldn't add any more, as long as you know there is something for everyone. I mean I could just make a meal out of the lobster and salad. YUM! Happy New Years! Can't wait to see the pics!

  4. I think your menu looks delicious! Maybe for dessert, something light and chocolatey, such as a mousse? With the combined heaviness of lobster, sausage, mac & cheese, & potatoes, I'd lean towards a light dessert. Happy New Year!

  5. I'm thinking classic chocolate dessert like a flourless or molten chocolate cake with raspberry sauce. Super easy and decadent to go with the rest of the meal. I know I'm going against the crowd on that one, but with a small serving, it can work with everything else.

  6. Looks like a winning menu to me! Happy New Year!

  7. can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks
