Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Amazing Race Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow night Season 14 of The Amazing Race begins!

Readers may remember that I attempted to prepare a recipe for each of the countries visited in Season 13 of The Amazing Race. I will do the same for Season 14.

Tomorrow, the racers depart California for Switzerland.

I aimed to prepare recipes from California and Switzerland this week.

I narrowed my California recipes down to fish tacos, Santa Maria tri-tip, and an "Animal Burger" from In-n-Out (thanks for the idea, Erin!).

However, I am on vacation, and I am not cooking that much. I decided to forgo the California recipe and focus on the Switzerland recipe.

I did enjoy some fish tacos at a local restaurant on Thursday night. That counts, right?

If you'd like to make your own fish tacos, consider Erin's version!

Tomorrow on The Amazing Race: Switzerland!


  1. Hope you're having fun on vacation! Can't wait to see the Switzerland recipe :)

  2. You should make fondue for Switzerland. Where are you on vacation now?

  3. Jen-- I am in Florida visiting my parents. The weather alternates between full hot sun and complete fog... back to the freezing north tomorrow!

  4. Fish tacos are out of this world!! I hope you are having fun!

  5. OMGosh those look SO good! Stupid husband alergic to fish. :(

  6. I totally had these when I was with you in Florida!! YUM!
