Monday, April 28, 2008

Blogging With a Purpose- My First Award!

Thanks to Court Cooks at Prescription for Good Food for giving me my first blogging award-- I am honored! Not only does she have great-looking food, but she's also a pharmacist-- I love the pharmacists, I am married to one!

I am nominating the following five blogs for this award:

  1. Erin at Dinner and Dessert for encouraging me through my yeast bread fiascos and inspiring me to order The Bread Baker's Apprentice. I hope my breads turn out like hers someday!

  2. Brooke at ... and a cookie for dessert
    I love her recipes, most recently the shrimp lasagna rolls. I have starred her Mexican Sour Cream Rice to make soon!

  3. Gaga in the kitchen
    For her wonderful recipes, many with an Asian focus.

  4. Ally at Culinary Infatuation
    Great recipes and easy to follow instructions! I used her Salisbury Steak recipe last week and it was delicious.

  5. Melissa at It's Melissa's Kitchen
    She has really good ideas (Fish Taco Friday, hello!), recipes and photos. I can't wait to make her challah recipe once I've figured out this baking-with-yeast thing!

Award-winners, here's what you should do:
1. nominate 5 blogs which haven't had this award before
2. each of the blogs must have a purpose
3. the nominated blogs must make a link back to this page
4. the logo from the award must be put on their blog and it must link back to this blog!


  1. Thank you so much! That's so sweet. I love your blog too (especially the ratings part!) I've got some thinking to do!

  2. Thanks so much! I love your blog too.

    I'm so excited, my first award! =)
